Wednesday, July 22, 2009

PICC Line Dressing Change

You'll have to excuse my armpit hair hanging out of my shirt (what's going on there!!!???) Here's a video demonstrating a typical PICC line dressing change. Not sure what a PICC line is? Click here.


  1. Hi Ronnie, I just recently started following your blog. I never had PICC lines, but I did have midlines that ran up to about my shoulder area. Got a port now. I didn't realize they stitch it up like that! Learn something new everyday. I think its great that you're covering your incarceration like this!

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still reading...not watching so much, but I'm still checking in! Hope you're doing ok!!

  3. Only had stitches on a midline once. I always get nervous during dressing changes that they are going to pull the line out!

    Hope you're starting to feel better =)

  4. Hilarious joke! You and the nurse were great video demonstrators! Lucy has had a PICC line while in the NICU at just days old! Can you imagine how small that tube must have been to fit into a newborn vessel?! CRAZYNESS! Hope you get out of the hoppy soon! Cheers!
