Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Something For Which To Train

You'll quickly realize that I had very little to write about (which, considering I'm writing my Mandi Monday a day late, is a bit sad), but I'll share this anyways because I'm jazzed about it. Oh and another random side note, does proper english ever make you feel a bit old school? I know "Something to train for" just into correct, but it sure sounds less stuffy than, "Something for which to train." But I couldn't bring myself, today, to use the wrong grammar. Anyways...moving on.

So I opened an email from my mom this morning who, by the way, often sends fun little things my way. Today was no different. I'm not sure how and where or why, but she came across a race here in Phoenix in December that looks AWESOME. It's called Hot Chocolate and it's for the Ronald McDonald House. They have a 5K and a 15K. The tag line is "Will run for chocolate"...which I think may be the only detail I needed to see in order to shout at my computer, "SIGN ME UP." It's like the PDF file was speaking to me. How did they know that yes, I in fact will run for chocolate. That may be why I run, ever. I just run and exercise so I can eat what I want. Sure, I do it to be in shape and to be fit, but it's also nice to get to indulge because my butt was in the gym earlier that day.

As you can see from the picture above, it just looks fun, right?! Well I went to their website and got more details, and here's the sweetest (pun intended) part...the post race event is like a chocolate heaven. They have hot chocolate with whipped cream and all sorts of goodies to dip in chocolate fondue. Holy cow, if that isn't a great way to end a race, I'm not sure what is.

So I'm not writing all of this to promote this race, although if you're in Phoenix or another city that has one, give it a shot, because I know I for one will be there on December 9th, covered in sweat, indulging in chocolate. Instead, I'm just sharing my excitement to train for something when there's something fun to train for. It makes all the difference. In fact, that's why CysticLife and Rock CF Foundation teamed up to start the Outrun CF Virtual Race (which you can now register for the Thanksgiving day race HERE)...the gist, if you're wondering, is you can run or walk anywhere in the world, in a cool t-shirt we send you, and we all do it on the same day....we'll post a whole blog on that another day though. Anyways, my point? There is none! Haha..I kid! (It does seem that way though, doesn't it?) My point is, find something to train for and working out becomes a lot more fun. I have been working out 6 days a week, and haven't been this excited to start training in a long time. In part I'm excited because it will be really fun to enjoy a nice long run with my mom on December 9th, but mainly because I am reallllly excited to eat back twice as many calories as I burned with her in a chocolate wonderland afterwards!!

Has anyone ever done one of these? If you have, tell me everything!

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