Friday, May 15, 2009

Ever Heard of the Mucus Chipmunk?

6:00am: Besides waking up this morning at 4:30 with an upset stomach from who knows what, I had a pretty good night asleep. You could tell that I was often in a deep sleep due to the oxygen tube marks across my cheek bones. It looked like I pissed somebody off playing a game of dice and they decided to slash me across the face with a knife. Ok, maybe I saw that in a movie once, but you get my drift. It was however a little tough getting the engine going this morning. I was definitely moving at a snail's pace. I like that pace though and I try to live a non-rushed life. It's worked out so far. Anyway, I threw on my workout gear and headed out the door.

I started off on the elliptical for 15 minutes. It felt good the whole time and in the last 5 minutes I had sweat pouring off of my forehead down onto my shins as they flew by back and forth. That last 5 minutes I also did 1 minute on one minute off sprints. It really got me to take in some deep breaths and move some of that gunk around in my lungs. At the end of the 15 minutes I had gone 1.6 miles. Next, it was on to the stairstepper where I did 10 minutes. The sweat continued to rain down on me, but I felt really strong and not short of breath. After 31 floors, it was off to the treadmill for the final challenge.

I've really enjoyed being able to run on the treadmill this week. I haven't pushed it, doing only 5-7 minutes at a time, and my foot has held up. I've also been icing it when I get home. I think it is helping. I started running on the treadmill the second I got on. I didn't want to break the momentum that I had started on the elliptical and the stairstepper. I was only going to run for 5 minutes at a 5.0 pace, so I knew it was going to be tough but not impossible. The first 3 minutes went REALLY well. My legs felt fresh (with the exception of a slight shin splint in my right shin) and I had a good breathing pattern going. At about the 3 minute mark I started coughing a lot and bringing up quite a bit.

That's where the "mucus chipmunk" move comes in handy. See, I didn't want to stop and find somewhere to spit. I didn't want to swallow the garbage that I had coughed up. And I didn't want to spit it on the person next to me. So I really only had one choice: Store it in my cheek pouch for the next two minutes and keep running! I did just that! I actually ended up increasing the speed to 5.5 during the last minute. I ran just over .4 miles and was pretty wiped after completing it. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to walk outside and get rid of the nuts, I mean mucus, that I had stored in my cheek pouch. I'm not quite sure how I stored all of it in my mouth and continued to breath, but this chipmunk is glad that he kept running.

Total Distance: 2.0 miles Total Floors: 31 floors

12:30pm: Chest and back day went well today. I was able to add weight to many of my lifts and didn't get as fatigued as my last chest and back day. I did tweak my shoulder a little doing some bent over flys, but I iced it when I got home, so hopefully that will take care of it. I've had a little pain in my shoulders before from doing that lift, so I'm thinking that I'll change out that exercise next time I workout my back. Anybody have a killer back lift that they would like to suggest? Current Weight: 184.5 lbs

6:00pm: Mandi and I did a short one mile loop tonight to walk J Bell. One, because my foot hurt, and two, because we were pressed for time. We're taking off for a graduation party of a friend of mine. Tomorrow is going to be pretty busy as well for a CF Event that goes on from 10am-4pm plus an after party. Don't think I'll be making it to the after party. I'll have to get to the gym before the event and then probably head back after for some cardio. I do need to get some rest though this weekend, cause next week will be VERY busy.

Total Distance: 1.0 mile

Total Distance for Day: 3.0 miles Total Floors for Day: 31 floors

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