Monday, April 5, 2010

A Wedding to Remember

Welp, it's one week post wedding (Josh and Chrissy's that is) and I've finally fully recovered from all of the family and friends being in town. Last week my post was super weak sauce because the wedding was on Sunday, and truthfully, I totally forgot the blog (I know I know, BOOO, HISSSSSSS). But this week I wanted to take a moment to tell you all about the wonderful wedding and share some pictures.

The wedding hoopla started on Friday with a bunch of family and friends over for a casual evening at my parents house. Then on Saturday morning was the rehearsal and rehearsal brunch, followed by an evening get-together with all of the family and out of town guests at my folks' house. It was great getting to really spend time with all of the guests before the craziness of the wedding day arrived. We just hung out, caught up on each other's lives and ate some yummy food my mom prepared.

Sunday was the big day. It started with hair and makeup for the girls and laying by the pool for the guys. You know how that is; the women somehow can take all day to get ready, and the men throw on their tuxes 30 minutes before go time. All day, Chrissy was cool as a cucumber. She seemed relaxed. I was incredibly impressed by her. She somehow just sat back and let the day roll; something I made note of and am going to try to do on my own wedding day (but probably a lot more unsuccessfully!!). The ceremony started at 5:30 and went on just as scheduled. I was a mess. I attempted to keep it all together, but somehow lost it at every turn. I made eye contact with Josh as I walked down the isle to take my place, lost it. I saw Josh's face when he first saw Chrissy, lost it. I watched my parents get choked up while they said their vows, lost it. Saw the ring on Josh's finger for the first time, REALLY lost it. Needless to say, I needed tissues built into my bouquet. For those of you who don't know, my family is VERY close. My brother and I are the only two kids, and I've dreaded "losing him" to another girl. But I must say, it was all made easy as we truly love Chrissy and are excited to have her become a member of Team Melin (yes, I said Team Melin...we have a family cheer and everything. But that's another story for another time). The reception was just as wonderful as the ceremony. Full of good food, dancing and lots of good laughs.

All in all, it was a wonderful night and I was SO thrilled for them, both for a wonderful wedding and for finally getting to be man and wife!! I could go on forever, but I tried to keep it "short". Here are some pictures so you all can see how wonderful it all was. ENJOY!!

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