Friday, June 12, 2015

28 Weeks Pregnant!

How far along: 28 weeks pregnant...Due September 3rd!

Gender: Baby BOY!!

Total weight gain: Up 14.5 lb.

Exercise: This week was a little different because we were in Mexico for part of it, so while in Mexico I just ran/walked with Mckenna in the jogging stroller for 2.5 miles. Then once we got back, I went back to the gym and my morning running buddy. I have (we have) picked up our pace a bit for the running miles, so we do an 8:00-8:40 running pace and walk the miles around a 16:00-18:00 min/mile pace. It feels great!! I have then been going to the gym and walking another couple miles in the afternoons, and lifting weights on a couple muscle groups each day. The last 2 days Ronnie has joined me to has been AMAZING to be back in the gym together!!

Maternity clothes: Still no maternity clothes. I live in workout clothes, dresses, and the pair of normal shorts I bought a couple sizes up.

Miss anything: Being able to eat sodium filled foods without feeling like a water-retaining blimp the next day. I've cut out a lot of sodium for that reason.

Movement: I cannot get enough of all his movement. Seriously, it's the best feeling in the world.

Have you started to show: Oh yeah! It seems to be growing at rapid speed now.

Stretch marks: This is a tricky one. I never got stretch marks on my belly with Mckenna. But ever since puberty I've had stretch marks on my thighs, tush, and hips. They are very fine and you only really see them when the light hits them right. So there's a good chance that I got more with Mckenna, I just have no idea. My guess is I may be getting more as we speak, I just can't see them in comparison to what is already there!

Belly button in or out: It's in...but it's not going to hold on much longer.

Wedding rings on or off: On, when I actually wear them! I take them off for exercise, showers, and sleeping...and with my baby brain and pregnancy brain, I often forget to put them back on!

Sleep: I've been a little more tired the last few nights, but maybe it's post-vacation catch up!

Labor signs: No labor signs, but my Braxton Hicks contractions are legit. I get them when my bladder is full, during exercise, when he's really active, and for no reason at really, I just get them all the time.

Best moment of this week: We went to Rocky Point, Mexico this weekend for our annual family vacation. Ronnie's entire extended family rents a house. So 30+ of us pack in for a weekend full of relaxation and good company. We weren't sure if we would be able to go this year, but it was a success. Ronnie was about to take it easy but still have fun. Mckenna got to spend endless hours playing with all the kids! It was a amazing!

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