Monday, May 25, 2009

A Hot Walk

**Sorry for the late post. I had some Internet problems and couldn't get online to post last night**

7:30am: Before taking off for church we wanted to get a quick J Bell walk in. We only went 1 mile cause I slept in a little bit. It's been a couple of absolute gorgeous mornings in a row and it feels soooo good being able to walk in them. I know they won't last long though. The dead of summer is fast approaching and sooner rather than later it will dip down to a LOW of 90. Not looking forward to that so much. The walk felt good and I was able to get some stuff up. It would have been nice to go for longer but we didn't have the time to squeeze it in. We'll have to do some cardio or another walk later.

Total Distance: 1.0 mile

2:30pm: So I'll have to admit, Mandi KIND OF had to twist my arm to get this walk in. I wanted to go to the gym to do cardio, so we could do it out of the sun's long arm. She made a good point though in that the gym was a 30 minute drive round trip and that would be some wasted time. I finally conceded and stopped being a baby about it and we took off. It wasn't as hot as I thought it would be, but I definitely broke a sweat very early on. We had water with us and luckily, our backs were to the sun. We decided to walk up a slight incline that lasted about a mile. I could really feel the burn in my butt and legs! The way back was much easier since it was down hill, so we picked up the pace a bit. I'm glad that Mandi "talked" me into it! Right when we got back we jumped in the nice and cool pool. Ahhhhhhhh....

Total Distance: 2.0 miles

Total Distance for Day: 3.0 miles

1 people had something to say...:

Jess said...

Good for you!!! Very inspirational :)