Friday, July 24, 2009

I Would Choose Cystic Fibrosis

DISCLAIMER: This is not the opinion of the Cystic Fibrosis community, it is simply one opinion by one CFer.

It's a question I get a lot actually and one I enjoy answering because it often shocks people. So what's the question? If you could be born again, with what you know today, would you choose NOT to have Cystic Fibrosis? Here's one man's answer:

9 people had something to say...:

Kellee said...

Loved it!!
M says he would choose it over and over again..Pretty much for all the same reasons. CF sucks but I do have to admitt I think CFers are cooler than normal people lol. Having CF and loving a CFer makes you love the small things, take advantage of everyday and really NOT stress small stuff. I had alot of respect for you before but after an answer like you gave and the attitude you have about it make me respect you even more!

Thanks for being awesome and sharing M & I really look forward to all your post!!

Karla said...

Dear Ronnie,,
What would we do without you??? I don't want to know the answer to that.....You are such an inspiration to me!!! You are teaching me so much and to understand my little one with CF...I am so thankful for your compassion for not only people with CF,,, but all the other people who have love one's with CF...
I wish we could do something for you,,,since you do soooo much for all of us...All I have is my THANKYOU,,,from the bottom of my heart....Karla

Chrissy said...

This is a good question. I'm going to answer it on my blog

With you permission I'd like to post a link on my blog to yours with your answer.


Unknown said...

Chrissy- You can use/take/borrow/change anything on my blog for yours. It's not about me, it's about CF awareness.

Kellee- I couldn't agree with M more!

Karla- Thank you for all of your kind words. Anything that I can do for CFers or their families is an opportunity I won't pass up!


Lauren said...

I agree with everything you have said. I posted a response in my blog too, check it out!

Cystic Gal said...

Wow. What a complicated issue and complicated question. I remember getting into a fight with my Aunt L because she was asking me this question when I was a teen, and my response was (frankly) "you might as well ask me would I rather have been born a man?" - I don't know, because I've never lived my life as a man, and I would be an entirely different person, so I wouldn't really be ME, so the question itself doesn't make sense. She thought I was being flip with her because she expected to hear either "YES! I would love to be born without CF!" or "NO, it is my gift from God." I live somewhere in the middle. I know that I am "who I Yam," as Popeye would say, because of CF. It changed my family structure, my friendships, and my entire way of living from the get-go. But there are days, and years even, when I am so aware of some specific thing that my health is holding me back from, or that I feel is robbed from me, that I can't help but think, wow. If I didn't have CF, I could do that. I could ____. When my friends ask me, I always bring up that Simon and Garfunkle song, "Slip Slidin' Away." There is a lyric, "A good day ain't got no rain, and a bad day is when I lie in the bed and I think of the things I might have been."

That is how I feel. It doesn't take much to make me feel happy, to see the wonder in my disease and to see the gifts it has given me and the gifts it has allowed me to give to others, especially children. But it doesn't take much to make me feel robbed and abandoned in my illness, either.

I am glad this discussion is happening, and I love all my new bloggy friends.

Most sincerely,

Cystic Gal Beth Peters

Katey said...

I would choose to have CF over and over as well. I can't imagine life without it! And like you say all the time, it's been a blessing in my life. I've learned so much and grown so much as a person. I've learned to appreciate life! It's strengthened tremendously my relationship with Christ. I never imagined I would ever WORK for the CF Foundation and take part in actually helping to find a cure. It's so rewarding and I never for a minute would give up having CF!!!

Thanks for this post!

Michelle said...

My niece was recently diagnosed with CF so I am learning about this disease. I have to say that your positive attitude is really inspiring! Thanks for sharing your journey.

Heather Strange said...

Great Job Ronnie, My son who is now 5 has CF. I believe that our son and his disease is a special gift. I so understand viewing the world through a different lens and because of CF I have had the opportunity to be awaken to a whole new understanding. I always say on paper we are a mess but in reality we are blessed. Our mantra is we can not be ordinary so lets be extraordinary. My husband and I are training for a CF fundraiser in June 2010, 1200kms in 9 days. We have a $$$ goal of 30k, that is how we will be extraordinary this year. Keep up the hope. Take care