Friday, September 14, 2012

Don't eat off our kitchen counters

For those of you who did not catch this on Facebook.

Just be sure to watch until the end.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Antibiotics & Results

It's thankful Thursday time! We all have so much to be thankful for and we love to take this opportunity just to write down each and everything that comes to mind. Please take this time to share with us what you're thankful for as well. If you have a blog expressing your thankfulness, please share the link! Without further ado, here's what we're thankful for:

Mandi's List:

I'm thankful for antibiotics. I'm thankful for antibiotics for Ronnie's sake, obviously, but also, now for Mckenna's sake. She had a stuffy nose for 3 weeks which led to an ear infection. Thanks for being on some antibiotics, her nose isn't all stuffy anymore and you can tell she's feeling MUCH better. Yippee!!

I'm thankful for washers and dryers. I hate doing laundry! But my goodness, I would hate it even more if I had to hand wash everything. Ronnie and I work out 6 days a week, that leads to a lot of sweaty, dirty workout clothes. I'm thankful I don't have to wash eat piece by hand like they used to. Mckenna has had some major blowouts in bed this week (thanks antibiotics), I'm thankful I'm not washing her jammies and fitted sheets by hand. I'm so thankful for the luxury and blessing of washing machines!

I'm thankful for a hubby that cooks. Ronnie has made all our meals lately...and it's awesome!!

Ronnie's List:

I'm thankful for results. I've made a few lifestyle changes that I've mentioned recently (better food, better sleep, better workout) and I'm so thankful that I'm feeling the results of those changes. I definitely have more energy throughout the day. I'm sleeping like a rock. My workouts feel more effective as a result of my new diet. My bloating is less. And my BMs are completely normal almost ALL of the time (and that never happens). I just feel better overall, and I love it.

I'm thankful for having a good eater. Mckenna is such a stud. She will try anything you put in front of her and has yet to spit anything out, except waffle with maple syrup. Crazy right? She prefers peas over mac and cheese, broccoli over crackers, and spices over bland. I can't wait to cook with her!

I'm thankful for the monsoon storms. We've had quite a few monsoons the past few weeks and it has been really nice. It has resulted in cooler weather and greener vegetation. I've also saved money on our water bill as I haven't had to water the grass and garden as much :)

So, what are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Morning Ride to Starbucks

Mandi and I take a family bike ride every morning around 6:45am. It's a great way to get the blood pumping and the muscles warmed up for the day ahead. It's also a nice way to "beat the heat" and enjoy some gorgeous summer mornings. (As a bonus, it makes for some good mucus clearance)

This morning, we decided to take a family ride to Starbucks.

Obviously pretty pumped for the bike ride this morning :)

Look both ways.

Hey, I know you!!

Dazed and Confused.

She insisted on waving at anyone who entered or exited the building.

Not sure what she's pointing at here, but I assure you that it's cool.

I'm no photog, but I like this shot...minus the parking lot.

...and she likes straws.

When's another bike ride?

After a kissy,

more straw chewing,

and a little paper playing!

 Now we're ready. Let's go!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm not a big "flashbulb memory" kind of a guy

I've never been one with a great memory. I'm terrible with names. I often forget wether or not I have been to certain places. You can forget about dates with me. And I have very, very few "flashbulb memories"

There is one however, and one that is very distinct.

September 11th, 2001.

I can remember that day like it was yesterday and not 11 years ago.

Today, I just ask that you keep the 1000's of families who were directly impacted by the attacks in your prayers, as well as the millions of us who were indirectly affected.

Hug your children a little tighter.

Tell your wife that you love her.

Thank someone who puts their life on the line everyday to protect the welfare and safety of others, wether it be on these shores or abroad.

I truly love this country and feel very fortunate that I'm able to call myself an American.

That day will forever stay with me and I hope to be able to articulate that importance of that day to my children.

I will never, ever forget.

**As a side note: One of the greatest books I have ever read covers this tragedy in great detail and when reading it, it almost feels as if you were in the towers that day. It's called 102 Minutes and I would highly recommend it to everyone.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Is It Fall Yet?

I know most people don't look forward to the end of summer...but I do! In fact, there are several things that come with fall that I look forward to each year. Here are the things that are around the corner that I'm excited for this fall.

1. Nice weather - In Arizona, fall and spring are about the best weather you can find anywhere. After a summer of super hot, sunny days, I start itching for some cooler weather. I love enjoying crisp mornings with the doors open and the sound of our fountain flowing. I love sitting on the back porch under the heater. I love going outside and not feeling like I'm entering an oven.

2. Running Anytime - The cooler weather means I can exercise outside any time of day. I love running in the morning when the air still has a cool freshness to it. I also love the fact that I can get a run in at anytime and not fear a heat stroke.

3. Birthdays - Fall means birthdays around here. Josh, Chrissy, myself and now Mckenna all have birthdays in the fall. I absolutely love birthday celebrations, from cake to presents, it's all awesome. Plus, this year is Mckenna's first birthday...HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! I cannot wait to celebrate with my little love!

4. Fall Fashion - I am certainly not a fashionista. "Stylish" isn't my middle name. But I do really enjoy pulling out clothes I haven't been able to wear for months and putting away all the summer gear. It's nice to get to switch it up a bit.

5. Fall Foods - Fall is a perfect time to make soups, slow cooker meals, and yummy desserts. I even get excited for Starbucks holiday drinks (So much so it's a little pathetic). Just like with clothes, I like an excuse to switch things up. Fresh summer foods are great, but it's fun to fire up the oven, plug in the slow cooker, and make some hearty meals.

6. Football - NOT! (Ronnie loves Not so much! I'll be excited for my TV back in February. Well, for a second until March madness starts up!

Anyone else looking forward to fall? Or am I crazy and the only one?