Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Spunk & RC Choppers

It's thankful Thursday time! We all have so much to be thankful for and we love to take this opportunity just to write down each and everything that comes to mind. Please take this time to share with us what you're thankful for as well. If you have a blog expressing your thankfulness, please share the link! Without further ado, here's what we're thankful for:

Mandi's List:

I'm thankful for my parents. They have been the BIGGEST help with Ronnie in for a tune-up. I cannot say enough about how much help they've provided.

I'm thankful for a healthy 15 month checkup. Mckenna had her 15 month check up this morning and passed with flying colors. She's still our little peanut at just 18lbs 9oz and 28.75 inches tall, but she's healthy as can be and we are so thankful for that!!

I'm thankful for spunk and happiness. Mckenna is such a delight. She is full of energy and is a happy kid. She is such a blessing.

I am thankful Ronnie is getting better. His numbers are on the rise and hopefully will be back up to par in no time!! I'm thankful he works so hard and is willing to "do some time" to be his best for us!!!

Ronnie's List:

I'm thankful for remote controlled helicopters. My father-in-law got me a late Christmas/kill some time in the Hole gift in the form of an RC chopper. Creating different challenges like landing the chopper on top of my IV pole provides something to do besides slave away on my computer or watch TV :)

I'm thankful for understanding docs. Since the transition to the adult team here at UMC, they have gotten better and better with each stay. They are definitely putting more faith in me and starting to respect the "expertise" of my disease that I bring to the table. The transition was a little rocky at first, but I'm thankful that it's gotten better and better.

I'm thankful for the iPhone. The iPhone provides another great way to kill time. From games to FaceTime to searching for the latest and greatest apps, I've spent quite a bit of time on my phone. How did I ever survive without one?? ;)

So, what are you thankful for today?