Mandi's List:
I'm thankful for my grandparents. I have the most fabulous grandparents in the world. I love chatting with both of them and always enjoy getting to see them. Unfortunately we all live in separate parts of the country, but I absolutely love that we can OovoO and talk via phone.
I'm thankful for a selfless husband. He's selfless each and every day...but yesterday, he did what no man has done before. I had to work in the morning in Tucson, so I couldn't go to our normal Intensity class at the gym, so he went without me. It was a day we did partner stuff, and he was alone, so it was WAY harder. So what did he do? When I went to the afternoon class HE WENT WITH ME...just so I'd have a partner. I nearly wanted to die after doing that workout, I have NO clue why he opted to do it again...just because he loves me! What a good man!
I'm thankful for good girlfriends. I have some great girlfriends. One of which lives here, Angie, and we get together for playdates, coffee, pedicures, you name it. Having a girlfriend to do life with is such a blessing. Angie is such a strong, fun, woman, and I am so blessed to have her to bounce things off of, especially mommy/kid issues. She's such a good mom that I respect and will always take her advice. I had the joy of watching her two little girls (One's almost 2 and one's 2 months) this week, and I can say, I love those little ladies like my own. Mckenna and I are blessed with such great playmates.
Ronnie's List:
I'm thankful for the gym childcare. It's so nice to be able to workout whenever we'd like thanks to the great childcare system at our gym. It's also heartwarming to see Mckenna making little friends at the gym. One of her favorites is actually the older daughter of a woman who works at the gym. During the summer, her daughter is there often and Mckenna loves to play with her!
I'm thankful for the opportunity to be involved with another clinical trial. This particular trial is one that many with my mutation (DDF508) have really been looking forward to based on the results of the Phase II trial. Just a few pills in the morning and a few pills at night and your done. Hope I can snag the real thing!!
I'm thankful for a daughter so eager to help. I had to fix a hose earlier this morning during my time with Mckenna, and she was super excited to take on the project. The sprayer become totally stuck on the end of the hose and I was trying to crank it loose using some grips and various wrenches. When I would take a break, Mckenna would pick up right where I left off and try to loosen the sprayer herself; It was so cute!
So, what are you thankful for today?