I'm sure some of you are wondering how we're doing after the event's of last week, so I wanted to just post a little update.
As always, the Sharpe family is doing well and moving forward with happy hearts. Of course there were tears on Monday, but Tuesday we woke up with new attitudes and new outlooks. I have to admit, I even woke up feeling pretty free. It was nice to wake up and have no restrictions and no medications to be taking. Obviously being pregnant would have been preferred and I'll happily take restrictions and meds if that were the case, but that wasn't the reality and freedom is a second best for now! But overall, we just felt good that we had an answer (fellow IVFers, you know how that 2 weeks wait is!) and we're at peace knowing we're in the exact position we are meant to be in. It feels good to know that we are at the exact spot God has for our family and we are rejoicing in that.
And speaking of no restrictions and freedom, I've decided to use this break to do something I've always wanted to do: run a marathon. So I started training right after the phone call from the clinic. Anyone else run to clear your head? I'm pretty excited to train and finally check a marathon off of my bucket list. I'm all registered and a week into training for the Phoenix Rock n Roll marathon in January! It will be a great distraction and a great way to get into better shape before circling the wagons to try again.
Lastly, I'm feeling great about the timing of the failed cycle. Why? Welp, Mckenna's birthday is on Thursday, and what better way to move on from bad news than celebrating your baby's second birthday? Of course we love and cherish Mckenna every day, but celebrating her second birthday is a great way to really stop and take time to think back on how blessed we have been for the last two years and reminisce about the little blessing we currently have. I plan to spend the day spoiling her with hugs and kisses...which I'm sure she will love, although she will show me by saying, "No mommy!"....ohhh I love two-year-olds. Life with a kid seems to fly by. Hours turn into days, days into weeks, weeks into months. A birthday is a great reminder to breathe it in!
Anyways, I didn't have much to share, but wanted to let you know that we are doing well and moving forward joyfully and with contentment.