Sunday, July 26, 2009

Supplements and Cystic Fibrosis

Interested in taking supplements as a CFer? There are a few things you must remember before starting any supplement which I will go over in the following video. A lot of exciting stuff is going on at and I have all of you to thank for that! So THANK YOU!!

You can also check out this blog if you are interested in more information about supplements: or look her up on Twitter @CFResearch

5 people had something to say...:

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely have to ask my doctor about some supplement that I can take, I've always been kind of curious as to what kind I'm able to take...

I want to take something that would give me some energy throughout the day, and so I can get a FULL workout rather than stopping when I get tired.

On the other hand my treatments help a lot in increasing my energy for the day there's a big difference when I miss a treatment.

Karla said...

High young man,,,,
Didn't see a video or any comments for a couple of days,,,,, got a little worried.....Glad to see ya,,and hope you are feeling okay...
Will they do your Lung Functions before you leave the hospital?? How is Mandi?? Of course,,,,look out ,,,,here comes those prayers...God Bless You Ronnie,,Karla

Ginger said...

Thanks Ronnie and congratulations on being a finalist in the Nature Made contest. You make us fellow cfers very proud :)! I think I will definitely look into the protein shakes. Everytime I have my vitamin and nutrient levels checked my albumin is low so this could really help me out. I am pancreatic sufficient so this shouldn't be a problem. I will check with my doctor first though :)! Thanks again Ronnie--you are definitely becoming an invaluable sourch of info for this cfer. I'm proud to be one of the 5000 unique visitors that come to your site.

NoExcuses said...

Super cool post. I have been so busy I haven't had time to keep up with some of your posts, but just tweets.

But you have a gift of amazing articulation and you're certainly a tremendous role model for us all.

Hats off to you and your 5000 unique visitors!

Now I need to clean up my supplements section like I did for my eFLow section. You are good at keeping me on my toes... I like it! I love to be pushed to be better.


sara said...

Is the eFLOW really faster and better than a regular neb? I've been wondering and can you do Tobi or Colistin in it??