10. Not having my morning walk partner
9. She's ALWAYS happy to see me when I come home
8. It's super cute when I don't know where she is and then discover her out cold on her doggy bed
7. The way she stretches and yawns every morning is hilarious
6. When I'm at Mandi's house I'll take her down to the wash and let her run loose and explore
5. The way she shimmies and rolls around on the ground to scratch her back
4. When she puts her head in between her paws and stares at me with her big brown eyes
3. Hearing and seeing her dream after she falls asleep (she's always chasing something and barking at it)
2. The way she stands at the door so patiently when she wants to go outside
1. Snuggling with her (although she doesn't beat Mandi)