Here's something I started a couple of weeks ago on RSBR, cause as we all know, the weekends are slow around here. I call it "What's in a Google?". It's simple really; type one word into Google and see what the magic bot suggests for you. Once in a while, you can get some pretty funny suggestions. What's crazy, is I'm pretty sure that it means these are the most common searches.
Word: Where
Top suggested searches:
where's my refund
where do i vote
where the wild things are
where is chuck norris
where to vote in arizona
where's waldo
where the heart is
where to vote
where the red fern grows
I've highlighted my favorite. I often wonder what Chuck Norris is up to these days and where to find him. When I actually searched for Chuck Norris, I came up with this screen:

That's enough for me! I'll be going into hiding now :)