I am looking to put together an informational flyer about CF called The Faces of Cystic Fibrosis. On it, I want to include pictures of CFers and a paragraph about the person (age, hobbies, occupation/grade, etc) and what they do to take care of their CF (treatments, medications, hospitalizations, exercise, etc). If you're interested in having yourself (CFer) or child (CF parent) featured, shoot me an email with a picture and bio about the CFer. Man...I just realized it's tough to address both CF parents and CFers at the same time, but I think you get the point...we want pictures and bios of CFers. You can send the pictures and bios to my email account at melin.amanda@gmail.com or you can send them to Ronnie and he'll send them to me. The sooner the better and the more I get the better. We are hoping to have an equal spread of males and females and a variety of ages. If I can't use them all on this flyer, I will save them for another project. Please include in the email if you're ok with me using these pictures and bios for other such materials. Below are a few examples of the kinds of pictures we're looking for:

If you don't know how to crop a photo or don't want to go to the work to do so, you can just send the picture as is and I'll crop it and make it black and white! Also, if you have a few you like, send them all on...I love pictures :)
Thanks so much for your help on this. I really really appreciate it!
13 people had something to say...:
Nice, we most definitely want to participate. I will start digging
great idea! cant wait to see how it ends up looking.
Hey, I definitely want to be a part of this! Where does this flyer spread to? I'll shoot you an email before the weekend is over. About to study right now, but count me in. :]
I will get that off to Mandi next week!!! Thnaks 4 including us.
Thanks so much for your willingness to share your story and help me raise awareness. Right now, the flyer is slated to be at an event in TX in November. That is the only location for sure as of today, but it will hopefully be all over the US.
I'm in too! I'm going to work on it this weekend and get it emailed out hopefully tomorrow! :)
I did it!
Do you want faces of CF that have had to have lung transplants? I would love to help. . .maybe it could help push 'why there NEEDS to be a cure'? Let me know and I can send some stuff or you can grab whatever you need off my blog :)
Post transplant CFers are welcome too. Send over a picture and your bio!
PS - Bios that are about a paragraph are perfect!
Thanks guys!
Hey Mandi I got your email today. Glad you got everything you needed :) I posted a link to this project on my blog. Hope this helps with getting more people :)
I'm in! I will get my pic and bio to you ASAP. This is a great idea..can't wait to see the finished project!!
Is it too late to send the pic and bio over?
I'm still taking new pics and bios. So send them my way. I'm going to use the first 12 I receive and will have to save the rest for another project! Thanks so much for your help!!!
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