A while ago we started a little contest on this blog in which I post a picture and whoever comes up with the most clever/funny/witty/etc caption gets put into a drawing for prizes at the end of the year. Still don't have everything figured out as of yet, but we do know a couple of things 1) There will be multiple prizes 2) I love the participation so far 3) If you think your submission is inappropriate for others to see, you can always email your answer directly to me at ronnie@cysticlife.org :) 4) I've literally LOLed all weeks so keep it coming!
Alright, what do ya got!?!?
We didn't have enough qualifying entries last week for the picture below, so you guys are getting another stab at it. Let the creative juices flow!
Last week's photo:

Anything on the second time around? If you have a creative caption that works for both you get super creative double trouble triple dog dare points.