Ahh it feels so wonderful to type those words. So good that I'll type them again: we're pregnant! God is so good!
The clinic called this morning, and for the first time in 1.5 years I got to hear the words, "I have good news...YOU'RE PREGNANT!!"
We had our beta (initial blood draw to test HCG in my level) and it came back at 42.5. Our doctor is happy with that number, although it is on the lower side of normal, so we will go back for another blood test on Friday to make sure things are still growing properly.
We had a little indication that the test would result in good news because I have been cheating and took some pregnancy tests. We had been getting some faint positives, and then last night decided to take a digital so there was no guessing. Here's the video from that test:
We are so, so thankful that this first step is GREAT news! We are very, very excited, but at the same time we are guarding our hearts a bit since we have lost a couple pregnancies very early in the last 1.5 years. We are trusting that God will continue to work this pregnancy together for our good and most importantly, according to His perfect plan.
We cannot thank you for all your prayers!! From your lips to God's ears...there's a baby (or two) in there.
Prayer Request:
- Praise God for his goodness up to this point and giving us a baby or babies in there as of now!
- A happy, healthy, LOOOONG pregnancy!
- Friday's blood work looks AWESOME and the numbers are doubling normally!
- We find the perfect balance between excitement and reservation as we move through the early stages of pregnancy.
Welp, I'm off to do a happy dance...annnnnd then go back to managing my expectations :)