Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rib Update

Just want to give a big thank you to everyone who has sent me messages about my ribs and offered there advice and/or kind words. A quick update: They were feeling great two days ago and then like an idiot I decided to hoist heavy mirrors and wall decor to decorate our new place. Bad decision. They've been killing me all day today and I had to resort to popping a pill which I've been trying like heck to avoid. Rest just doesn't come easy to me. I'm REALLY hoping that they'll heal up soon though so I can get back into our running routine. It's been ages since my shoes were pounding pavement!!!

So thank you everyone again!! I really appreciate you guys taking time out of your days to send me your thoughts and prayers :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Can't Stop Laughing. MUST Watch

This is seriously one of the funniest videos I have ever seen....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"That's Some Cold You Got There"

I pulled this blog with permission from CysticLife as it was one of my favorite that I have read in a while. I've actually featured Lauren's work on here before as she is a VERY talented young cyster in whom I have a GREAT deal of respect for. She has spunk, soul and a never quit attitude that will always put a smile on your face. Please visit her blog here and check out some of her other fantastic writings.


With CF, coughing becomes almost as natural as breathing. You don't realize how normal it is to you and to the people who know you until you are around someone who doesn't know you. The most common person for me is someone like a new professor, a hair-dresser, or a new colleague. Usually people I just meet will comment “That is some cold you got there.” They'll usually ask if I'd like a cough drop or a glass of water. Though inside I'm saying, “Yeah right, I could only wish a cough drop would help,” I usually just accept the water to be polite. That sort of comment is completely innocent given the context, given that they know nothing about me, in fact, I wouldn't think anything of it if I DID have a cold. Usually to those people (until I get to know them better) I just respond something along the lines of, "yeah I have a lung thing... I'm usually coughing a lot I wouldn't worry about it." Or if it is someone who I won't ever see again, I use “I'm just getting over a cold” “Its allergies” “The air is dry in here” or whatever else comes to mind.

It is rare, however, that someone is so bold to ask about my cough in a way that doesn't assume I'm sick with something common and/or contagious. The other day, a person I had recently met asked ( & not at all rudely), “Hey what's that cough you got there, Lauren” because (as she explained) she is attuned to coughs since both she and her daughter have bad cases of asthma. Since she was so polite about it, I told her I have a lung condition called cystic fibrosis and though it is for the most part under control, I still have a persistent cough. She apologized for being “nosey” but she didn't have to. I told her I'd prefer if people would just ask. I give her credit for asking instead of assuming.

I never have minded telling anyone about my CF because i've never had a problem with anyone treating me differently because of it. I believe I should be truthful instead of allowing people to assume. That is not to say, however, that when I meet someone new I say, “Hi, I'm Lauren. I have CF.” But if they are so interested to ask, I will gladly tell them and answer any questions they have. If more people did this (about ANYTHING) I think a lot more people would be all the more informed and all the less ignorant. People should ask more questions to learn about other walks of life, other points of view, and other ways of looking at things.

I'll never forget when I asked one of my hall-mates this year how the tattoo she just got was meaningful to her. Her eyes lit up and she said, “Ya know, no one has asked me that yet” and went on to explain how “words, words, words” was a line from shakespeare and how it explains her outlook on life, how so much more could be solved if people just used their words and communicated more effectively. That has stuck with me, and if I hadn't asked, I wouldn't have been able to see the valuable message that she was trying to convey.

There are certain times when your own morals should tell you when asking questions is “nosey” and when asking questions is helpful. If there is something that you are unfamiliar with,you should try your best to learn about it. I'll use the example of someone's religion. If you just met someone who was Islamic and you didn't know anything about their religion, would you ask about it? The people who you ask these questions to are usually un-offended as long you are polite about it. Just put yourself in their shoes, would you be offended if someone asked you about your religion? In fact, a lot of problems in this country would be solved if some uninformed people asked a Muslim about their God and about their beliefs (for example)... they would be surprised how many of the same beliefs they shared. Use good judgement when being a question-asker though. Instead of assuming and saying “You're Muslim, you must not mind suicide bombers,” ask “Could you tell me more about your religion?” or “What kinds of things does the Koran teach or tell?” You may learn that suicide bombers are extremists and hardly represent the majority of the population, or that Muslims have some mighty fine morals.

So ask a vegetarian what made them decide to refrain from meat, ask someone who has lost weight how they did it, ask someone where they got such a cute shirt, ask someone who disagrees with you why they feel that way. I'm not saying to butt into everyone's business whenever possible though. There are certain times when question asking is not appropriate. For example: asking about someone's private personal life or asking questions for the sake of gossip. Questions should be asked in order for knowledge to be attained. And the more we learn from asking questions, the better off we'll all be. So here's to the question-askers, the answer-seekers, the knowledge-absorbers. I know the person who asked me about my cough is a good person because she dared to learn about someone else's situation. I hope that the next time she hears about a Great Strides Walk or even meets someone else with a cough like mine, she remembers how meaningful it was for her to ask.

I encourage you to stop by Lauren's blog today and give her a little shout-out. I want to make sure that she knows her work is very much appreciated!! Thank you SO MUCH for all of your positive contributions to this community cyster!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Back in the Swing of Things!!

Today is the start of a new chapter in our lives. No, I'm not talking about being newly married or settling in to a new house, I'm talking about finally settling in to the life we're used to. It's been a whirlwind around here since May 22nd (well actually long before that) but I think we're now ready to settle down after the post-wedding madness. We just got back from our annual family vacation in Rocky Point, Mexico and now it feels like I need a break. You guys know what I'm talking about? I think that I live such a routine based life, that every time I'm out of that routine it actually takes more energy, even if I'm relaxing on the beaches of Mexico. Maybe it's just me, but vacations truly exhaust me. Don't get me wrong, they're certainly a great change of pace and something I very much look forward to, but I'm definitely most comfortable in the comfort of my own home.

On a side note (with the full story to come at a later date)- One thing I need to take care of though is this rib/cartilage/muscle/lung thingy that I have going on. Some of you may have seen the update on my Facebook, but I was in a pretty gnarly boogie board accident that required a trip to a Mexican clinic for x-rays and a doctor consult. He said that he didn't see any broken bones, but with the more days that pass, the less I believe him. I'm actually taking pain medicine. If you know anything about me, you know that I avoid that stuff like the plague. Without it however, I have a hard time taking in a deep breath or coughing, sleeping is quite tough and the most minor of movements will send me shooting through the roof. I hope to get it checked out tomorrow and I'll keep you guys posted.
Anyway, I'm ready to get back on the horse now. I'm ready for homemade breakfast sandwiches in the morning and sitting at a computer all day long. I'm ready for the gym and long walks around the neighborhood. I'm ready for conference calls and game nights with friends. I'm ready to learn my yard and do my best to not have it defeat me. I'm ready to get my dog back and take her to the new dog park down the street.

I'm ready to officially start the "real life" with my bride.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Never Before Seen Photos

On our wedding day, my dad kept his phone in his pocket and snapped shots of us when no one else was around, but my shadow. He said, "these are like our little secret pictures"...but I'll let you in on the secret!
Right before the doors opened for me to walk down the isle
In the room waiting while the processional was going on
In the room waiting while the processional was going on