Monday, January 18, 2010

We Sure Do Have a Great Life Don't We?

I know that Thursdays are the days to be thankful around RSR, but I've felt so blessed this week that Monday is the new least this week. Here's a little look into all the great happenings this last week that I am so excited about.

One HUGE blessing this week was the opportunity to spend some time with my dear friend and maid of honor, Lenore. Lenore and I went to high school together and we have remained great friends through college. We went to school just far enough apart (I went to Syracuse and she went to America) that we never saw each other. I saw her for a few hours last year, but that wasn't nearly enough. As you can tell, this visit was much needed and we had a great time catching up. She is one of the most amazing people and it was so incredible getting to spend time. She also had her boyfriend, Mo, with her, and it was awesome to get to meet him. He might be one of the only people I've ever thought was good enough for my Lenore :)

Another HUGE blessing this week was the launch of CysticLife and the incredible support we've received. We had a great week in terms of numbers, a ton of unique visitors, tons of page views, and over 570 new members signed up. The numbers are great, but I can honestly say there was
something else I noticed and realized that just warmed my heart. I haven't been a part of the CF community for that long, and I knew that it was a great group of people, but this week brought my understanding to a whole new level. The feedback and support everyone offered us was incredible. We didn't have too many glitches, but any issues we had people were willing to work through with us. Some people had spent hours on something, and then lost it due to a glitch, and instead of being frustrated and upset, they just tried again and told us it was ok. I can't tell you how much anxiety we had over releasing the site to the wolves and I can't tell you how incredible it has been thanks to this great community. I know a lot of you were over on the site, and some of those people that just hung in there with us through the kinks, so I wanted to say thank you. I feel so blessed to be a part of this community!

The wedding plans are coming along also, which is obviously exciting and feels like a huge blessing. As you know, I have the dress and we had the venue picked. This week we have met with an invite person and have samples on the way, looked at bridesmaid dresses, set up an appointment with the florist, got the contract signed for the venue, so we can move forward with tastings. It feels like it's all coming together, and the best part is, I've been so wrapped up in launching CL, I haven't even really been stressed about it (which if you knew me, and my affinity for worrying you'd know that was HUGE).

Life is good. Plain and simple. Sometimes I get caught up in all of the "stress" and to dos, but this week I sat thinking about how grateful I was for the last week and just life in general. Apparently Ronnie was feeling the same way, as we sat in my kitchen, he gave me a hug and said, "we sure have a great life don't we?" So, so true...Life is good!!